Coffee Roaster Profile: Hard Lines

Gwaelod y Garth, Wales

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Current Filter Guest: El Nogal, Guatemala, Hard Lines
Tasting Notes: Milk chocolate, honey & toffee, delicious all rounded brew

Our staff choice to enjoy at home: Hard for You, Peru & Dr Congo, Hard Lines
Tasting Notes: Sweet and juicy wine gums, show that special someone how you feel

At Velo Domestique, our mission is to curate the finest speciality coffees sourced from the UK’s top independent roasters. We have a deep appreciation for these roasters and want to share their stories with you—unveiling the passion and craftsmanship behind the exceptional coffees they roast.

What is your name, and what role do you have at Hard Lines?

Hey, My name’s Matt, and I’m one of the founders here at Hard Lines. 

What three things make Hard Lines stand out in the coffee industry?

Coffee, People and Design are often the three things we come back to time and time again. Obviously, running a coffee business means you need to roast and serve good coffee, but we ideally want to combine that with an interesting take on design, aiming to do things unlike anyone else. Alongside that, we are really pleased with the team we’ve built, the community we have as well as the wider coffee community both around the UK and internationally. Lots of people have focused on each of these aspects, but pulling them all together is something we strive to do. 

What does good coffee mean to you?

Something I can drink repeatedly and look forward to year after year. With coffee being an agricultural product, different origins harvest at different times of the year, so for many origins, you have a sweet spot between when you can drink that coffee and when it tastes its best. Outside of work, I try not to overthink the coffee I drink at home, so I often look for a coffee that brews easily, delivers maximum flavour, and is not overly challenging. Tasty washed coffees are usually my go to. 

What informs your decision when picking your next coffee to roast?

We keep a broad range of coffees on our list, and we are lucky to have a customer base that is quite varied. People who are after coffee that tastes like... coffee?! As well as people who want to be challenged and try the newest thing. Within reason, we try to cover most bases, but really, it does come back to accessible, easy to drink, and hopefully sensibly priced coffees. 

How does the team like to brew, and what coffee are you currently drinking?

At the roastery, it’s usually always a batch brew. Whoever gets in pops on a brew, and we tend to all huddle around and wake up/defrost together. Usually, we pop on whatever is new or something we are trying to monitor and familiarise ourselves with. 

Any quick tips for people brewing coffee at home?

Get some scales and find a recipe that works and is repeatable. There’s no point in brewing the best coffee you’ve ever brewed if you don’t know how you’ve done it.

If you’re interested in learning more about our coffee roasters, we’re here for a friendly chat. Whether you’re seeking advice on home brewing, coffee recommendations, or finding the ideal equipment for your preference. We even have a multi-roaster coffee subscription, starting at just £9 per month.


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