Coffee Roaster Profile: Craft House Coffee

Sussex, UK

Interview by 

Answers by

Current Filter Guest: 
El Salvador - San Ernesto
Chocolate, whiskey, redcurrant

Our staff choice to enjoy at home: 
Rwanda - Fugi Ikizere
Peach, cream, tropical fruit

At Velo Domestique, our mission is to curate the finest speciality coffees sourced from the UK’s top independent roasters. We have a deep appreciation for these roasters and want to share their stories with you—unveiling the passion and craftsmanship behind the exceptional coffees they roast.

What is your name, and what role do you have at Craft House?

Hey! My name’s Hannah, and I work as Head of Coffee. 

What three things make Craft House stand out in the coffee industry?

ORANGE! Haha! Our roasting machine, grinders, packaging... all orange. 2. We do our best to make delicious speciality coffee affordable and accessible. 3. We are Carbon Neutral Plus, proud Members of the 1% For The Planet initiative and are working towards a zero waste roastery (all of our coffee sacks and coffee chaff currently go to vineyards in the South East and our waste is recycled). There’s more to be done, but we won’t stop ‘til we get there!

What does good coffee mean to you? 

Coffee that has been expertly cared for at every stage - from the producers to the exporters, importers, roasters, and then the baristas! Everyone plays a key role in ensuring that the coffee grown by the producer is showcased to the absolute best of everyone’s ability.

What informs your decision when picking your next coffee to roast?

The time of the year, as you usually wish to select delicious coffee that has just recently been harvested, meaning that the coffee we receive, roast and then distribute is at its peak freshness quality wise. We also focus on direct relationships with producers, repeat buying from farms every year, as well as searching for coffees produced by women-led cooperatives and female-owned farms.

How does the team like to brew, and what coffee are you currently drinking? 

Lou likes a batch brew, Maya does too, Ben loves his Orea, Megan likes espresso, Dan’s go-to is an Aeropress, and James and I almost always opt for espresso! We are currently drinking a beautiful Mexican coffee from Marciela Esperon, roasted by Dark Arts.

Any quick tips for people brewing coffee at home? 

Use good water! Water has two main roles when brewing - as a solvent and an ingredient. A cup of filter coffee is over 98% water, and a typical espresso is 90% water, so it plays a huge role in the final cup but is often overlooked when brewing at home. Over 60% of the tap water in the UK is classed as hard water, so a simple filter jug (Brita, BWT, Peak with a carbon filter) will produce cleaner-tasting, relatively soft water that will improve your coffee at home.

If you’re interested in learning more about our coffee roasters, we’re here for a friendly chat. Whether you’re seeking advice on home brewing, coffee recommendations, or finding the ideal equipment for your preference. We even have a multi-roaster coffee subscription, starting at just £9 per month.


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